06 November 2023

A Prophecy Long Foretold

A prophecy which had long been foretold
Of a falling away from the Savior’s True Fold

By the deaths of His Apostles o’er a number of years

And authority taken from earth, and truths changed by itching ears

How in Latter-days, Satan’s chain of darkness, with links not a few

Would become dismantled, and then all things again become new

When in the Spring of 1820, a young boy so humble, yet so bold

Would enter a sacred grove, to petition the God of which he’d been told

And humbly knelt, and for the first time began to pray

When immediately darkness bound his tongue, and words he could no longer say

Exerting all strength, the boy within called out for deliverance from evil unseen

While so near to abandoning himself to destruction, as it seemed

Heaven’s windows long ere closed, so sure, and so tight 

Had suddenly opened, from which descended a Glorious Light

Two beings before the boy stood in brilliant, eternal flame

When the God of heaven then called him by name 

“Joseph, this is My Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased”,

Hear Him”- the boy’s burdens now began to be eased 

The boy asked which of all the churches to cast his lot

The reply came back, the Savior’s true church on the earth, at that time was not

But the fullness of the Savior’s Gospel, so peaceful, so pure

Soon would be set inplace, eternally solid, and forever sure

The time of refreshing, prophesied by ancient prophets who sought

Was now to begin, and put an end to centuries of spiritual rot

The Savior’s restored Kingdom would vanquish spiritual dearth

And continue to roll forth, until it has fill the whole earth

Angels with priesthood, and keys to restore

Soon would appear, and upon man’s head place them once more

A prophecy which had long been foretold

Had now come to pass, as the Savior restored His True Fold

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