24 July 2012

Leading off the Primary parade

Once again, I was invited to lead the Edgemont 2nd Ward's Primary Pioneer Parade in East Provo, Ut.  It was as simple as driving around the block with the kids and adults following behind. 

21 July 2012

Check out my "I'm a Mormon" profile

10 July 2012

Trooper Aaron Beesley

Trooper Aaron Beesley died in the line of duty on the evening of June 30, 2012, while assisting with the rescue of two stranded hikers on Mt. Olympus in Salt Lake County.  He was a trooper with many talents and he will be greatly missed!   Officer Down Memorial Page

08 July 2012

Deactivating Facebook

I am temporarily deactivating my Facebook account beginning tomorrow.  I signed up for Facebook about 3 years ago as a means of trying to get our PHS Class of 1982 Reunions back on track, and it proved to be successful.  But now it's time to do other things rather than spending time each day reading everyone's status updates.  I need to focus on other important things in life.

03 July 2012

America's greatest Town Sheriff is gone

My favorite TV show has always been "The Andy Griffith Show".  Andy passed away today in North Carolina.  Here's hoping that the reruns continue for a long time to come.