09 September 2009

UHP PT- Sept. 09, 2009

I took part in the mandetory participation PT today. At this point, it is a "Participation" test with no Pass or Fail. I figure that too many Troopers/Supervisors would not be able to pass the test-- if it were required! I like Colonel Fuhr's vision of getting his people into shape.

It turns out that the 1.5 mile course that we were suppose to run was actually a 2 mile course. Everyone was dismayed at their times, until someone recognized the problem. The Lt. figured out each runner's pace and adjusted it for the correct distance.

Today's test was for the UHP Headquarters personnel.

I passed all categories (Vertical Jump, Sit-ups, Push-ups and 1.5 Mile Run) and averaged 71%. You need to get at least 50% in each category just to pass at the minimum level. Later this month, I am going to try and achieve 85% in all categories to get the maximum amount of points for the Sergeants promotional.